NEWEST Blue Jewels for YOU

When we think of summer we often think of oceanside beach holidays do we not? That warm sun on your skin and the endless horizon of blue conjure up feelings of happiness. I love the colour blue, as do many people, largely because of what it symbolises, the sky and the sea (read all about the colour blue here).


The latest additions to the Bohemian Butterfly collection including the DEL RAY necklace and CAPRI earrings, all share blue tones which I started designing and making whilst thinking about a holiday I want to take to Southern Italy. That coastline was the perfect inspiration! Let's be honest, colour has that power, doesn't it? It makes you feel a certain way based on what kind of memories or imagery it conjures up for you.

DEL RAY Turquoise and Amazonite Statement Necklace by Bohemian Butterfly


CAPRI Handmade Pearl, Turquoise and Labradorite Charm Earrings by Bohemian Butterfly



The newest creations to be aded to the blue collection of Bohemian Butterfly jewellery feature classic stones such as turquoise, lapis lazuli, amazonite and pearl. I've also added to that, some vintage Murano glass, white jade, tanzanite and, my personal favourite, opal.


I hope you love these new pretties as much as I do and they inspire you to think of destinations you can travel to. I think after the past few years we all deserve that break in the sun, don't you? Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope you have a wonderful time. Keep laughing, keep smiling and live your best life!


Shop the full collection of BLUE jewellery at Bohemian Butterfly here.

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